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Common Queries

What can I expect during my first Homeopathic consultation ?

The homeopath needs a detailed understanding of who you are, along with details of any complaints and how you experience them. The more your homoeopath knows about you, the more easily will he or she be able to treat you effectively.


Finding the appropriate homeopathic remedy depends upon gaining a complete understanding of the patient as a whole person. This means that the homeopath must take note of the physical, mental and emotional levels of each person before deciding on a correct remedy.


So feel free to share your complaints and relevant questions homeopathic physician may pose to you, even though when sometimes it does not seem related to your complaints.

What is the difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine?

Homeopathy is based on a "whole person" approach. In homeopathy, the remedy or treatment program is customized and individualized to the patient, with the intent of removing the underlying cause.


Conventional (allopathic) medicine usually relies on treating a patient’s physical symptoms. This treatment might also assume a person’s symptoms need to be controlled, suppressed or eliminated.

The difference may be stated in a simple analogy: eradicating the "symptom" of a car’s low oil level (the warning light) does not change, or remedy, the cause of the signal (low-oil).


Similarly, eliminating the pain of diseased part will not solve the problem, even though it may be much sought after by a patient. The root cause of the problem should be cured .

Are homeopathic medicines slow to act ?

It is a false notion that homoeopathic medicines act slow. One of the reasons for such a misconception could be due to the fact that in spite of its tremendous potential to cure common acute aliments, Homoeopathy is being primarily used for treatment of long term ailments, which take more time to recover than acute diseases. Hence the popular notion !
A well selected Homeopathic remedy act very fast in acute diseases too.

Can Pregnant women and new born babies take homeopathic treatment?

Yes.  Since homeopathic remedies are devoid of all chemical toxicity, homeopathy is the ideal system of medicine for people of all ages, even the most sensitive like an expectant mother or a newborn baby. 

Difficulties during pregnancy and delivery, or its aftermath, as well as all the problems experienced by the newborn, can be dealt with safely and efficiently with homeopathy.


There is a criticism that, "There is no scientific evidence that homeopathy works".  Is it true ?

This is probably the most frequently quoted, completely inaccurate statement about homeopathy.


By the end of 2019, 221 randomized controlled trials of homeopathic treatment for 115 medical conditions had been published in peer-reviewed journals and were eligible for our review.

Of these, 129 were placebo-controlled trials, covering 77 different medical conditions:1:

  • 45% were positive (58 trials) â€“ finding that homeopathy was effective

  • 4% were negative (5 trials) â€“ finding that homeopathy was ineffective

  • 51% were inconclusive (66 trials)

For a more in-depth, rigorous analysis of placebo-controlled trials on homeopathy, see Dr Robert Mathie’s systematic reviews evaluating this same data up to 2014.


The homeopathic principle of ‘like cures like’ makes no sense. Is it true?

Homeopathy is based on the core principle that ‘like cures like’ i.e. a substance which can cause symptoms if taken in large doses, can be used in minute doses to treat similar symptoms.

The idea that a substance can be damaging in large amounts, but beneficial in small amounts is not new to science, in fact this concept (‘hormesis’) has been around for decades and is increasingly well documented in such fields as biology and toxicology.

There are even examples of ‘like cures like’ in conventional medicine e.g.

  • Digitalis in high doses causes arrhythmias, but this drug is used routinely in low doses to treat this condition

  • The stimulant amphetamine-based drug Ritalin is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Small doses of allergens such as pollen are used to de-sensitise allergic patients.

However an important difference in homeopathy is that the medicinal doses given are so small that toxic side-effects are avoided.

Low potency homeopathic medicines (up to 12c or 24x potencies) will contain molecules of the original substance they are made from. For this reason, in most countries, remedies made from toxic substances are only available in higher potencies, from the ‘first safe dilution’ upwards.

What are the Substances to Avoid during homeopathic treatment?

Another important thing to remember is that it is wise to avoid any substances that might interfere with your remedy. Certain substances have been found to reverse ("antidote") the effects of homeopathic remedies and medicines.

It is suggested that you avoid the following substances, practices and items to insure the best response from your remedy:


  • Coffee

  • Camphor, or camphorated products including products containing eucalyptus and camphor oils

  • Dental work, teeth cleaning, drilling or anesthetics

  • Electric blankets

  • Mint, or mentholated products

  • Nicotine

  • Recreational drugs

  • Some conventional drugs (tell your homeopath what you are taking)

  • X-Rays

  • Stress, which can lower the resonance of a homeopathic remedy

How are homeopathic medicines are prepared?

 The homeopathic pharmacies prepare the medicines by grinding a very small amount of the original substance (usually a plant, mineral or animal) for many hours with a mortar and pestle in milk sugar, a process called trituration.

The triturated mixture is then repeatedly diluted and shaken (succussed) for hours or days, depending on the potency or strength of the remedy. This process of diluting and succussing is called potentization. The potentized homeopathic medicine is then added to lactose tablets or pills. Lactose-free remedies are also available to those who are allergic to lactose.

Over-the-counter homeopathic medicines that you can buy in health food stores tend to be in either the 6c or 30c potency. 6c means that the substance has undergone 6 steps in a series of dilutions, where each step involves diluting 1 part medicine to 99 parts alcohol/water.

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